Robert Alberts has stated that Iranian striker Alireza Abbasfard (photo above), former Cardiff City defender Gábor Gyepes and Dutch striker Ronald Hikspoors as his preference to fill in the ‘foreign player slot’ left vacant by Guy Bwele.
The information was relayed to us by a fan known as ‘Mr Kopi’ whom interviewed him last Saturday. According to Mr Kopi, Alberts was impressed with all three players, and chances look extremely good for Alireza to get the nod to fill in the ‘Asian foreign player’ slot.
Nonetheless, Utusan Sarawak today confirmed that Alberts was leaning towards signing Gabor to beef up his defense, with Alireza also more or less ‘confirmed’.
Such news means that Sarawak would have a foreign player in all departments with Alireza playing up-front, Muamer Salibasic in the centre, and Gabor at the heat of defense.
Check with the Football Association of Sarawak (FAS) have also revealed that the management is now in the midst of getting all the documentations ready, including the International Transfer Certificate for the yet to be known, chosen import player.
The official announcement would be made on either Wednesday of Thursday, once all documentations are confirmed.