Sarawak test Russian, Serbian and Liberian player for 2015 team

The Crocs would be testing players of three nationalities as they prepare for the 2015 football season in Malaysia.

According to the ever reliable source, Mr Kopi, the Russian and Liberian players are expected to arrive in Kuching today, while the Serbian player, said to be named ‘Milos’ is already in Kuching for his trial.

Milos and the unknown Liberian player is said to be strikers, while the unknown Russian player would be drafted in as a defender shall high ranked Gabor Gyepes(photo) refrain from re-newing his contract with the Crocs.

A search by revealed that there are a few Serbian strikers named ‘Milos’, but we couldn’t ascertain which player Mr Kopi meant since most Serbian players with the name Milos seem to fit the FAM ruling for a foreign player employment in Malaysia, while at the same time being tall and lanky as Robert prefers.

With little clues provided so far by any of our sources, we can only speculate who the player is, and have to wait until more information is made available to us to reveal details and stats about the three possible trial-list for Sarawak FA.

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