Sarawak Football Legends Honored with Diamond Jubilee Medal

The Football Association of Sarawak (FAS) today made it known that four former Sarawak football legends, namely Jalil Ramli, Pengiran Bala and Mohd Ali Sapiee and Awang Mahyan had received a medal during the recently concluded Majlis Penganugerahan Pingat Peringatan Jubli Intan held to celebrate 60 years of Sarawak Indipendence.

The ceremony was organized by the Sarawak government, in which all four football legends were award the Diamond Jubilee of Rememberence Medal by the govenrment.

All four legends used to be part of the same Sarawak football team at one time, with Jalil and Pengiran being the more well known as they took the Sarawak team into the modern era in the late 90’s and early 2000.

The four legends are best known for their roles in Sarawak football, including being influential figures in making Sarawak football known and respected.

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