Ronny Harun out for at least six weeks

More information has been made available to us in regards to Ronny Harun’s injury. According to our contact, Ronny Harun has suffered a metatarsal fracture, which will likely see him sidelined for months.

According to medical website, a metatarsal fracture occurs when one or more of five metatarsal bones is broken.

Such fracture occurs due to sudden injury (an acute fracture), or due to repeated stress (stress fracture).
autonomy of the foot
Treatment of such injury depends on the type and site of the fracture, but the website gave an indication that such injury must be treated properly and can’t be rushed to fitness.

The website further added that it usually takes six to eight weeks for such injury to heal, but it may take longer for sportsmen to return into action.

Ronny was stretched out during the Selangor versus Sarawak game last Tuesday, and was brought straight to the hospital in the 18th minute of play.

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