The Malaysian football season has been over for quite some time, but it looks like wages of Sarawak FA players, some soon to be former Sarawak FA players, are late again.
While we admit that we do not know the extend of the problem, we are well aware that some players are now complaining, and taking to social media of how the Football Association of Sarawak (FAS) owes them money.
Most of Sarawak FA players are still contracted to FAS until end of November 2017, with some understood to have already left the team.
Nonetheless, it has been observed that there has been more player recently actively putting up ‘hints’ on social media, seemingly related to unpaid or late wages, with some depicting themselves as doing ‘part-time’ jobs for now.
Of course these postings may not seem to be directly aimed to FAS, but our intel has confirmed that there is indeed late payment of wages yet again.
This is not the first time such issue has cropped up, with many already knowing FAS is in dired need of money.
In fact, it was also known that FAS President, Dato Posa Majais had personally had to dig in his own pocket to help settle player wages in the past as the team, known as the Crocs see themselves unable to attract new sponsors lately. FAM President, HRH Tunku Ismail had also claimed previously that FAS does not have enough funds to pay player wages until December, and he is personally looking into ways to help FAS.
Well, we do not want to say much on the issue for now, but we hope FAS would find an immediate way to settle whatever they owe these players as they also have families to feed.