Robert confirms an all local squad against Red Giants

The bad news is out of the bag and confirmed. Barely five hours to kick off, Sarawak head coach Robert Alberts has confirmed the worst, which is Sarawak will be playing without any foreign players when they take on Selangor tonight.

According to Robert on his brief statement on the official Facebook page of Sarawak FA, the Crocs will not be fielding Muamer Salibasic (photo) who has incurred his old knee injury.

With Ryan Griffith and Hassan Mohamad both already unavailable, the Crocs will be looking at an all local team to secure the full three points against the Red Giants. Previously, we reported that Sarawak has a depleted squad here.

Fans however do not have to worry about the latest news which Robert broke out because history has shown that Sarawak tend to do very well when forced to play without any foreign imports.

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