Malaysia Cup champs to signs top striker

Malaysia Super League runner-up will sign Liberian player Patrick Ronaldinho from PKNS FC. The news was made public by PKNS coach E. Elavarasan who confirmed it.

While the move has yet to be announced by Selangor, Elavarasan confirmed that the transfer is imminent unless some technicalities arise.

The experienced coach added that he is now looking for a new import player to fill in the gap left by Ronaldinho with Oktovianius Maniani among the players now on trial.

Ronaldinho is a well known name in Malaysian football after he shined with his former team Sime Darby FC, and later PKNS FC.

The 24-year old striker has scored over 60 goals since his arrival in the Malaysian League, and is still part of the Liberian National team.

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