JKT joins Selangor FA

Sarawakian player Joseph Kalang Tie (JKT) will don the red and yellow stripes of Selangor FA next season after he was said to have agreed on a contract to play with the Red Giants.

His move now is pending the certification of transfer.

JKT, after his departure from Pahang FA, had hinted he was already approached by a Klang Valley team, putting him likely to be signed by either PKNS FC or Selangor FA, both of whixh play in the Liga Super.

He was also rumoured to have considered a move back to Sarawak FA, but with conditions in Stadium Negeri far from favourable, we personally felt it was going to be a long shot.

The confirmation of JKT’s new team ends speculation of this talented midfielder who is still a well respected football figure in Sarawak.

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