Gabor out for a month, Hairol to step up

Sarawak’s best foreign defender Gabor Gyepes whom was stretched out during the last game against ATM FA would miss more fixtures after it was confirmed he is injured.

According to sources close to, the Hungarian had a hamsting injury and looks to be out for at least three weeks, and with one week needed for the defender to regain match fitness.

Gabor has been ever present in Sarawak’s line-up this season, missing games only due to suspension.

The former Portsmouth defender has been integral in Sarawak’s good run in the league, and has been highly popular among the Sarawak fans for his outstanding commitment on the pitch.

With Gabor injured, it is likely that Sarawakian and former national defender Hairol Mokhtar may be called to cover the central defence of Sarawak in coming games.

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