FAS blames old management for failure in obtaining club license 

President of the Football Association of Sarawak (FAS), Dato Posa Majais was reported by the Borneo Post as saying that the old management had a hand in causing the association to fail in their application for a club license.

According to the news report by SarawakVoice, Posa claimed that the old management had debts which were not cleared, and that the current FAS management didn’t know how much the debts were.

To solve this issue, and perhaps enable Sarawak FA to obtain a club lisence, the old management must produce an audited financial report and clear the debts incured.

The Borneo Post article however mentioned that Posa however cautioned that even if the audit report was produced, it would remain FAM’s prerogative to either accept or reject the audit.

FAS had failed to obtain a club license for next season, hence likely to see the Crocs being unable to play in the Liga Malaysia next seaaon after FAM made it mandatory for any team playing in the Liga Premier and Liga Super to have a football club license. – SarawakCrocs.com

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