The Crocs celebrated their first silverware last night, defeating Kuala Lumpur by a convincing 4-0 score, hence ensuring they lift the highest spot available in the Malaysia Premier League, which is the second highest football league in Malaysia.
Celebrations were already on the way as field officials carried in the ‘winners stage’ before the game, with fans mounting to not less than 25,000 filling every inch of the Sarawak State Stadium with their ‘feel good mood’.

Mexican waves soon made way as the song ‘Ibu Pertiwiku’ proved a huge hit before the game which saw the Crocs dominating Kuala Lumpur as the game progressed.
Playcards and posters depicting the image of the Premier League trophy and words such as ‘Champions’ were lifted high in the stadium stands as fans sang numerous songs with great pride and joy while watching their team menace Kuala Lumpur in the field.
When the man in the middle blew the final whistle, there was a huge roar in the stands as fans old and young, rich and poor sang in chorus to Queen’s “We are the Champions” with players from Sarawak falling to their knees in disbelief that they have just won the Malaysia Premier League title.
Celebrations soon mounted with the trophy presentation by Sarawak’s head of state, and the stadium roared even louder when captain Sharol Saperi hoisted the heavy silver trophy in the air, making it official, Sarawak were champs after over 15 years of waiting.
The Malaysian Premier League title adds to the list of silverware won by Sarawak, with the last being the Charity shield, which was won in 1998.