TMJ resigns as FAM advisor

The Crown Prince of Johor (TMJ), whom was elected as a special advisory to the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM), has decided to resign from the post given to him.

According to TMJ in his statement, his resignation was due to the fact that he does not want to be part of a biased organisation, citing that he has a dream that every team will be treated fairly.

The Crown Prince of Johor added that he dreams that the management of Malaysian football would one day be managed by dedicated and football related professionals and not those whom have political mileage.

TMJ has been very vocal since he took over the Johor foorball scene, and he has single handedly improved a dying Johor football scene.

The teams under him today not only boast a class of their own in the Malaysian League, but also has one of the best football facilities in the region.

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