Talented young defender leaving Sarawak FA for PKNS?

Yet another dismal transfer news for Sarawak FA fans.

According to a reliable source, Sarawak’s talented defender, Rodney Calvin may be on his way out from Stadium Negeri after the youngster was offered a lucrative contract to join PKNS FC.

Rodney, a mix blooded tall defender from Serian, has been seen as a possible replacement of Hairol Mokhtar, who is now in his 30’s.

According to what we were informed, Rodney, or more popularly known as Bonai among friends, had been approached by former Sarawak head coach K. Rajagobal, who is said to be the new coach of PKNS next season.  This news has yet to be confirmed nonetheless.

Anyway, there’s also a good amount of rumours saying that Rajagobal is currently pitching a few more young Sarawak players to PKNS and that some great talents are on the verge of joining Rajagobal’s new cam.

We are not sure so far if there is any truth of Rajagobal’s involvement with PKNS, but it is not extraordinary for Rajagobal to be interested in Bonai considering he has worked with the defender during his stint with Sarawak FA last year.

Nonetheless, the fact that Bonai, Nur Shamie Iszuan and Tommy Mawat, all talented youngsters from Sarawak, could be on the verge of leaving Stadium Negeri for other teams is rather alarming especially considering FAS is keen to have an all local Sarawakian team next season.

We will be keeping a close eye on the latest transfer details, so do keep checking our site from time to tome.


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