Sime Darby FC vs Sarawak FA gets live coverage

The expected intense match between Sime Darby FC and Sarawak is expected to be televised live over TV1 RTM this coming Saturday as the Crocs try to push through the semi-finals by winning the away game at Stadium Selayang.

The game is scheduled to play at 8:45PM with hundreds of Sarawak fans expected to conquer the Salayang Stadium regardless of the live telecast.

It was reported that Sarawak ultra group GB13 would also be flying in from Kuching to give their favourite team ‘home advantage’.

Sime Darby FC and Sarawak FA both met twice this year with both teams endig the game in a stalemate in the game played in Sime Darby’s den, and with Sarawak winning the return leg in Kuching.

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