Things seem to be shaking up in Sarawak FA with many positive changes.
One of the ones we just notice and laud is the opening of their new website to replace the poorly managed site they used to own.
However, the new website, now hosted at does require a lot more work if it were to reflect true change within the Football Association of Sarawak (FAS) as it seems rather incomplete and unready to be used.
To say the site isn’t complete would be just weird as the official Facebook page is already promoting the use of the website to drum up memberships.

FAS seem to be working on returning the glory days of Sarawak football these few weeks by doing things that have long been overdue.
The changes we observe include tightening statements issues by Presiden Posa Majais which last season seemed to be rather ‘free flowing’ and ‘personal’ in nature. Posa does not seem to be making as much statements as he used to.
These changes have not gone unnoticed and it does deserve some praise. The addition therefore is much welcomed despite its current shortcomings.
Nonetheless, the shift to a new website does show intent, which we hope would translate into actually having a proper updated and working website to be proud of by FAS and the fans.
For now, we are happy to see Sarawak FA and FAS finally showing some effort to make their presence felt online.
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