Sarawak 2014 Fans Player of The Year: S. Chanturu

A month after intense voting after the Sarawak football season ended saw Suppiah Chanturu voted by fans as Sarawak’s player of the year in 2014. The voting started early of September via our website, and S Chanturu gained momentum with 34% popular votes compared to his closest rival Joseph Kalang which garnered 19% votes.

S Chanturu who signed for Sarawak in 2014, came to Stadium Negeri injured, but made immediate impact in his debut with a goal after he worked well with Akmal Rizal to put the score level against Felda United.

The winger continued his fine form with the Crocs and helped his team mates secure an impressive win over Lions XII in the Super League with two goals a few weeks later.

More came from Chanturu from then on as he fought his way to become a prominent figure at Stadium Negeri earning him praise and worship from football fans not only in Sarawak, but across Malaysia.

The Kedah born player later scored nine fantastic goals for his 21 appearances with the Crocs, making him one of the deadliest local player in the highest rank league in Malaysia.

When Dollah Salleh took over the national team, Chanturu gained his return to the national side, but his return was however short lived with the 26-year old yet again plague with injury.

Nonetheless, Dollah refused to back down on Chanturu, giving him space to recover and rejoin the national team for future friendlies and tournaments.

In October 2014, after the Sarawak football season came to a close, S Chanturu was announced as a new signing at Larkin, with Johor confirming that the player will be part of their set-up next season.

Despite his departure, S Chanturu has been hailed as Sarawak’s Fans Player of The Year for 2014 by a poll we conducted at

Congrats Chanturu, and may you excel at your new club.

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