Robert Alberts claims team not as good as last season

It was reported by Astro Arena, in their program Nadi Arena, that Sarawak head coach was unsure about the Crocs obtaining any trophies this season, saying that he believes the team would need to fight for survival in the Super League instead.

According to Robert, the team he has now is not as strong as compared to last season although he didn’t mention which department needs to be improved.

Robert’s comments come as the Crocs eagerly launch their new kit yesterday, with word that they are aiming a top five finish.

Interestingly, the Crocs, although winning their friendlies against lower tier teams, have failed to showcase ‘çlass’ in the field with the team struggling to defeat their opponents. Nonetheless, they managed to secure an 8-1 win over their juniors last Saturday, which was largely expected.

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