Razali Dolhan to address FAS allegations today

Former Football Association of Sarawak (FAS) General Secretary Razali Dolhan has scheduled a press conference today, 6 April at 2PM.

The press conference is likely to address allegations made by FAS president Posa Majeis which claimed that Razali embezzled some RM500K in 2017.

Posa had also said that he had made a formal report to the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC) in regards to his claim.

According to information forwarded to us, Razali will address  the media today at the Original Carwash in Satok.

While we can’t speculate on what more would be said, we believe Razali is prepared to hit back at Posa and FAS for the allegations.

For the neutrals, the latest drama claimed by Posa will be watched closely.

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