Perak The Bos Gaurus vs Sarawak FA play-by-play match updates

Below is the play-by-play match updates for the Piala FA Perak versus Sarawak FA we were suppose to highlight during the game, but was unable to do so due to poor internet connection at Stadium Ipoh.

1’ Sarawak starts the game with an attack.
2’ Makeche fouled by Nasir. Free-kick Sarawak.
2’ Juninho to take free kick. Short pass to Davide, he shoots high
3’ Juninho fouled by Nasir. Free-kick Sarawak.
5’ Erick fouled by Riduwan. Free-kick to Perak.
6’ Nasir shoots from outside the box. Shahril saves.
6’ Amirul fouled by Riduwan. Free-kick Perak.
7’ Vokhid shoot. Wide. Off target. Goal-kick
8’ Riduwan fouled by Amirul. Free-kick Sarawak
8’ Juninho takes free-kick. Wasted.
10’ Panic in Sarawak penalty area. Ramesh clears
11’ Firdaus fouled by Gurusamy. Perak FK in own half.
14’ Khairil shoots, deflected. Corner.
15’ Amirul shoots. Shahril saves.
17’ GOAL Sarawak! Riduwan crosses from deep, Partiban at the receiving end scores.
17’ Perak 0-1 Sarawak
18’ Khairil shoots, wide. Goal-kick Sarawak.
20’ Fikri fouled. Free-kick Perak
21’ Erick shoots. Wide. Goal-kick Sarawak.
21’ Fikri fouled by Riduwan. Free-kick Perak.
22’ Nasir shoots. Wide. Goal-kick Sarawak.
22’ Perak Offside. Free-kick Sarawak.
24’ Khairil fouled by Gurusamy. Free-kick Perak.
27’ Perak attacking from every angle possible.
28’ Partiban fouled by Hisyamuddin. Free-kick Sarawak.
29’ Khairil Anuar fouled by Gurusamy. Free-kick Perak.
30’ Shahril fouled by Vokhid while plucking the ball mid-air. Free-kick Sarawak.
31’ Amirul fouled by Akmal. Free-kick Perak.
32’ Gurusamy fouled by Khairil Anuar. Free-kick Sarawak
33’ Vokhid shoots, high. Goal-kick Sarawak.
35’ Sarawak attack. Juninho forward through pass to no one. Wasted.
43’ Fikri shoots, Shahril saves.
44’ Makeche with an opportunity to shoot, Perak defence looking solid. No way through.
45’ Gilmar brought down by Nasir, no foul says the ref.
45’ 3 minutes added time
46’ Vokhid shoots, high. Goal-kick Sarawak.
46’ Partiban offside. Perak free-kick.


46’ Khairil fouled by Gurusamy. Free-kick Perak.
47’ Khairil shoots wide. Goal-kick Sarawak.
48’ Fikri shoots high. Goal-kick Sarawak.
48’ Riduwan fouled by Nasir. Free-kick Sarawak.
49’ Gilmar fouled by Amirul. Free-kick Sarawak.
49’ Ronny long throw. Cleared by Perak.
51’ Gilmar shoots, deflected. Corner Sarawak. Makeche heads wide from the corner.
51’ Sarawak’s Substitution: Rodney (in) – Partiban (out)
52’ Juninho delivery, Gurusamy heads wide.
52’ Fikri try to beat Riduwan. Deflected. Perak won a corner kick.
52’ Nasir corner kick straight into Shahril safe hands.
53’ Erick crosses from the right, Vokhid on the receiving end misses the ball.
54’ Perak’s Subtitution: Nurridzuan (in) – Fikri (out)
55’ Firdaus injured. Game stop
57’ Game resumes.
57’ Gilmar flick header to set up team member leads to nothing.
58’ Perak tries to penetrate Sarawak defence.
59’ Perak won a corner. Shahrul heads wide from the corner.
61’ Nasir fouled by Gurusamy. Free-kick Perak.
62’ Gilmar shoots, wide. Goal-kick.
62’ Nasir injured. Stretched off.
65’ Sarawak contains Perak attack.
66’ Khairil Anuar shoots after receiving Nurridzuan cross. Wide. Scramble in front of Sarawak’s goal between Grassi & Riduwan.
66’ Perak Substitution: Nasir (out) – Ridzuan (in)
67’ Hisyamuddin fouled by Makeche. Free-kick Perak.
68’ Sarawak’s substitution: Syahrul Azwari (in) – Gilmar (out)
70’ Nurridzuan shoots. Shahril saves.
71’ Vokhid shoots. Wide. Goal-kick Sarawak.
72’ Firdaus cross/shoots. Wide. Goal-kick Sarawak.
73’ Khairil Anuar fouled by Rodney. Free-kick Perak.
74’ Hisyamuddin fouled by Akmal. Free-kick Perak.
75’ Nurridzuan retakes free kick as referee saw an infringement among the players. Cleared by Akmal.
75’ Perak’s Substitution: Azrul Nizam (in) – Hisyamuddin (out)
76’ Sarawak’s substitution: Ashri (in) – Akmal (out)
77’ Firdaus fouled by Makeche. Yellow Card Makeche. Free-kick Perak.
78’ Sarawak attack. Syahrul & Ashri one-two passes, Ashri shoots. High. Goal-kick Perak. Best opportunity so far in the second half.
79’ Azrul fouled by Gurusamy. Free-kick Perak.
80’ Firdaus fouled by Riduwan. Free-kick Perak.
81’ Nurridzuan free-kick, cleared by Rodney.
81’ Juninho brought down by Nurridzuan. No says the referee. Perak attacks, Sarawak conceded a corner in the process.
83’ Davide picks up a knock. Down injured & receives treatment.
83’ Referee finds Davide time wasting in the process, gives him a yellow card.
84’ GOAL PERAK! Erick Weeks crosses from the right finding Thiago to head in the ball to equalize the score. Ronny & Gurusamy lost their marker.
84’ Perak 1-1 Sarawak
86’ Vokhid heads the ball towards Shahril after a cross by Ridzuan. Shahril save.
88’ Vokhid shoots. Shahril saves.
89’ Juninho fouled by Azrul. Sarawak won a free-kick.
89’ Juninho to take the free-kick. Hafizul Hakim saves.
90’ Sarawak on the attack & won a corner. Junior delivery, headed wide by Rodney.
90’ 3 minutes added time
93’ Erick shoots wide. Goal-kick to Sarawak.

End of 90 minutes.

First Half of Extra Time

90’ Game starts, Perak aggressively attacks.
91’ GOAL PERAK! Firdaus palce the ball top corner from a Ridzuan delivery. Rodney miskick the clearance, fell to a free Firdaus to easily place the ball in the back of the net. Poor decision by the youngster.
91’ Perak 2-1 Sarawak
93’ Syahrul fouled by Thiago. Free-kick Sarawak.
94’ Juninho takes the freekick. He shoots, high. Goal-kick Perak.
96’ Erick shoots, Shahril saves.
96’ Amirul injured. Game stop.
97’ Sarawak won a corner.
98’ Ronny header from a corner, Thiago heads it behind for another corner.
99’ Gurusamy heads the ball wide from the corner. Wasted.
103’ Perak won a corner. Nurridzuan inswinging corner cleared by the defence.
105’ Khairil Anuar fouled by Syahrul. Free-kick Perak.
105’ Perak won a corner kick. Nurridzuan inswinging corner nearly beats Shahril, Shahril fist it to clear the ball from danger.

End of 1st half of extra time.

Second Half of Extra Time

106’ Riduwan on the attack, cross to find Syahrul. Hafizul Hakim saves.
111’ GOAL PERAK! Khairil Anuar one-two with Vokhid on the right, giving him the opportunity to make a run beating Riduwan and shoots from tight angle only to find the ball deflected into the path of Ronny.
111’ Perak 3-1 Sarawak
115’ Sarawak won a free-kick. Juninho free-kick straight to Hafizul. Save.
116’ Riduwan attempt to cross pluck out of the air by Hafizul Hakim. Wasted
119’ Perak playing down the clock with injuries & playing it safe.
120’ 3 minutes added time.

FINAL SCORE: Perak 3-1 Sarawak

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