A video shared by JDT TV last night caught our attention because it showed the uttering the owner of JDT FC, Tunku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim (TMJ), uttering the words “Pasukan negara anda semua, not my negara, I’m from Johor you know.” as he concludes a live Facebook session with fans.
The statement at the final 40 second of the live feed was interesting to us as TMJ is also the President of the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM), a post which he won this year through elections.
Prior to uttering those words, TMJ made a handful of remarks about certain supporters who didn’t support the national team, and made degrading remarks about FAM.
The full video can be seen below.
It will be interesting to see the reaction of the supporters mentioned by TMJ as they are considered one of the most vocal in the country.