FAS explains Syahrul negotiated his release from KAFA

The Football Association of Sarawak (FAS)  has claimed that Syahrul Azwari had already reported to Kelantan Football Association (KAFA) prior to his signing with the Crocs.

According to Abdullah Julaihi, the General Secretary of FAS,  Syahrul had returned to Kelantan to meet with KAFA officers and later called FAS to confirm he was not offered a contract by his home state.

It was this knowledge that prompted FAS to offer the player a contract, hence making him a Sarawak player.

Abdullah further claimed that FAS will negotiate with KAFA in regards to Syahrul as they feel that appealing the case with the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) may not yield the desired results and may cause Syahrul to miss the transfer window,  and further jeopardise the young player’s career.

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