FAM rejects Sarawak’s request for venue change

Utusan Sarawak today revealed that the Football Association of Malaysia has rejected the Sarawak FA’s appeal to have the first leg of the FA Cup Quarter-Finals, which is to be played on 11 February, to be played in Kuching.

Instead, the national body insisted that they have deliberated over the matter, and have decided that Sarawak will need to adhere to the original schedule planned by FAM which puts the game at Stadium Selayang this coming Tuesday (11 Feb).

The Malay daily also reported that Sarawak wanted to play the first leg of the quarter-finals in Kuching since they have not returned home since they played Selangor last Tuesday, and the FA Cup schedule released by FAM recently only prolongs their stay in the peninsular.

This means that the second leg of the FA Cup quarter-finals would remain as scheduled, which is to be played on the 18th Feb at Stadium Negeri.

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