Tight security enforced at Sarawak-Perak game

Security is expected to be very tight tomorrow when the Crocs take on Perak at Stadium Negeri.

According to reliable sources, all those involved with the stadium security would be extra vigilant during body checks with Federal Reserved Units, the police force and RELA mobilized during games to check on the crowd for any untoward incidents.

The source also said that a police lorry would be stationed near the stadium as arrest of fans trying to play firecrackers is expected to be done with plain cloth policemen being stationed among the crowd to curb such actions.

More sources also reveal that the Football Association of Sarawak (FAS) is coming down hard on fans playing firecrackers in the stadium, with images of those caught playing being displayed at future games to ban them from entering.

The move is believed to be part of FAS support over the #BolaTanpaMercun campaign which is hoped to end firecrackers from being played in the stadium during Sarawak home games.

Fan sources reveal that some very irresponsible Crocs fans are trying to take revenge over Sarawak’s defeat at Stadium Ipoh. The defeat was attributed to the players being distracted by constant firecrackers which were thrown onto the pitch by some unruly Perak fans.

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