Football and sports are like a car, they are fast and they need passion to excel. This is where Toyota beats the rest because they are always a step ahead when it comes to hybrid technology, which is fitted in the cars called Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV).
Since Prius debuted in 1997, Toyota’s hybrid technology has improved vastly and a new FCV which defies the impossible is now born.
FCV is basically vehicles powered through the chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, and this is good because they emit zero carbon dioxide (CO2) during usage which makes them environmental friendly. Less CO2 in the atmosphere would definitely help in fighting global warming, and reduce greenhouse effects.
To celebrate the feat of yet again breaking the odds in the hybrid car industry, Toyota produced a video named Toyota Dominoes as a perfect analogy to showcase what they have just achieved.
The video not only shows that Toyota is revealing a new hybrid car, but also emphasis on the fact that they believe ‘nothing should be declared impossible just yet’.
To get your hands on more insights of upcoming FCV cars from Toyota, visit and follow their global site and Youtube channel.
“This post has been sponsored by Toyota, but all thoughts are our own”.