Sarawak scale Santubong

The Crocs conquered Mount Santubong last Wednesdayas head coach Robert Alberts hopes to keep his team fit and motivated during the long one month break for Malaysian domestic leagues, which some have described as ‘too long’.

Sarawak in action after the conquered Mount Santubong. - Photo by @JuniorEldstal
Sarawak in action after the conquered Mount Santubong. – Photo by @JuniorEldstal

Talented midfielder Junior Eldstal was indeed ecstatic after conquering one of Kuching’s most challenging mountains as he tweeted “Climbing Mount Santubong was one of the most challenging but amazing experiences of my life.”

Sarawak has since returned to their training ground following a one week break from football for Gawai.

The team will meet Yayasan Sarawak tomorrow for a friendly, and shall schedule another local friendly match next week to ensure the team continues their incredible form in the Premier League.

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