Sarawak FA dissapointed with referee quality

Sarawak FA team manager Hamzah Brahim has stated he is dissapointed and frustrated with the level of refereeing Sarawak had received in matches involving the team.

In an article published on the official Sarawak site, Hamzah said the low quality of refereeing had distrupted Sarawak’s game play as the referees were biased towards their opponents.

Hamzah therefore wants the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) and the Malaysia Football League (MFL) to seriously look into reports of poor refereeing made by any team.

Sarawak mentioned two incidents involving poor refereeing with one involving a disqualified goal by Sarawak when they played UiTM FC and another involving PDRM yesterday.

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PDRM was awarded a penalty kick which eventually gave the visiting side the full three points in yesterday’s Liga Premier match. Sarawak claims the penalty given has no justification.

According to the article, Sarawak accepted their defeats if the referees were more professional while officiating the matches.

Sarawak also made it known that every complaint they had made of refereeing irregularities was accompanied with a video of the incident as proof.

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