[MSL] Sarawak FA vs T-Team FC

An all important game awaits Sarawak tomorrow as the Crocs entertain T-Team at Stadium Negeri with hopes they can win and distance themselves away from the bottom of the Malaysia Super League table.

The Crocs would be looking at returning Fadzley Rahim to lead the Crocs as Sarawak head coach Robert Alberts brings on a fresh from holiday side to take on the Terengganu based side.

Goalkeeper Fadley Rahim is likely to regain his number one spot as the goalkeeper, while the likes of Ronny Harun, Ramesh Lai and Hairol Mokhtar looks set to form the back line for the Crocs.

Gabor Gyepes is still very much uncertain, hence paving way for Mazwandy Zakeria to start ahead of Mafry Balang whom has been dissapointing of late.

In the midfield, Junior Eldstal, Joseph Kalang, S Chanturu and Rashid Aya looks set to return, with Ryan Griffith and Muamer Salibasic spearheading the attack for the Crocs.

T-Team on the other hand would be expecting to repeat their win over Sarawak in the first round, where they surprised the Crocs 2-0 at home.

The Titans would be banking on Leandro Dos Santos and Jimmy Mulisa to bring in the goals to pack home to Terengganu, as they eye the full three points and the ultimate goal of staying in the Super League for another season.

In fact, Azraai Khor does have a good record against Sarawak coach Robert, and one can see T-Team shifting their tactics to contain and defeat the Crocs at Stadium Negeri tomorrow.

Nonetheless, the Crocs will be very encouraged to win this one due to T-Team’s poor away form which has only obtained a single point out of all their away matches in the Super League this season.

The fact that Stadium Negeri would also be filled to the brim only adds to the difficulty of T-Team’s task at hand tomorrow, as we do not see anything less than a win for the Crocs.

OUR PREDICTED LINE-UP: Fadzley R, Mazwandy Z, Hairol M, Ramesh L, Ronny H, Junior E, Joseph K, Rashid A, S Chanturu, R. Griffith, Muamer S.

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